Featured Poem: The Crunch (2)

The Crunch(2) by Charles Bukowski

too much

too little

or too late

too fat

too thin

or too bad

laughter or


or immaculate




armies running through streets of pain

waving wine bottles

bayoneting and fucking everyone

or an old guy in a cheap quiet room

with a photograph of Marilyn Monroe.

there is a loneliness in this world so great

that you can see it in the slow movement of

a clock’s hands.

there is a loneliness in this world so great

that you can see it in blinking neon

in Vegas, in Baltimore, in Munich.

people are tired

strafed by life

mutilated either by love or no


we don’t need new governments

new revolutions

we don’t need new men

new women

we don’t need new ways

we just need to care.

people are not good to each other

one on one.

people are just not good to each other.

we are afraid.

we think that hatred signifies


that punishment is


what we need is less false education

what we need are fewer rules

fewer policce

and more good teachers.

we forget the terror of one person

aching in one room




cut off

watering a plant alone

without a telephone that would never



people are not good to each other

people are not good to each other

people are not good to each other

and the beads swing and the clouds obscure

and dogs piss upon rose bushes

the killer beheads the child like taking a bite

out of an ice cream cone

while the ocean comes in and goes out

in and out

in the thrall of a senseless moon.

and people are not good to each other.

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