By Kathleen Peacock

Mackenzie Dobson’s life has been turned upside down since she vowed to hunt her best friend Amy’s killer: a white werewolf. Lupine syndrome—also known as the werewolf virus—is on the rise across the country, and bloodlust is not easy to control. But it soon becomes clear that dangerous secrets are lurking in the shadows of Hemlock, Mac’s hometown—and she is thrown into a maelstrom of violence and betrayal that puts her in grave danger.

I received this book via Secret Santa a few years back. I promptly lost the address of the person who sent it to me, so I never sent a thank you! So if you’re reading this and you sent me an ARC of this book (and Shiver I believe), thank you very belatedly!!

I wasn’t really sure what to expect with this book. After Twilight, the market for young adults was so flooded with paranormal romances that I largely stayed away from it, fearing that everything would be a rehash of Twilight and/or just not very good.

I really liked this book. I haven’t read too many werewolf centered books, but it seemed unusual that it was so front and center. I was expecting it to be more of “is there a werewolf out there? werewolves are just fairytales like big foot” and was pleasantly surprised when I found a story reflecting the tales of the Japanese internment camps, where everyone with lupine syndrome is imprisoned for their own good and the good of others.

The story is very fast-paced and engaging. I liked Mac a lot as a heroine…she’s definitely strong and tough and doesn’t need anyone to take care of her. I also liked the love triangle that was set-up, especially at the epilogue.

Looking forward to reading Thornhill which I have on my shelf!

P.S. The author’s last name is Peacock…I really hope that’s her real name and not a pen name, because that’s freakin’ awesome.

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