I’d like to take a moment to talk about a few student-run/affiliated publications that are near and dear to my heart.
The first is Mania Magazine, a student-run magazine of student art at UCSD. Not only have I been a sometime contributor over the years, but so have quite a few of my friends. It’s wonderful to have a place to foster new voices and new art. My very good friend, Steve, is editor at Mania right now (his personal blog is here ). Check out some of the previous issues of Mania, which are now online for your reading pleasure.
Scumble Literary Journal just went up recently (their very first issue is online!). Scumble has its roots with the thriving community that comes out to Blabbermouth Nites, now held monthly at the Loft. If you’re local, check out the Facebook page here for more information.
Finally, I work on Alchemy, a new journal of translation at UCSD. We’re busily working on getting our first issue online (though we don’t quite have the website together yet). We accept submissions through alchemythejournal@gmail.com. For now, our Facebook page is here .
Sorry for what amounted to a link dump. But I’m actually not sorry. Just giving love to a great community and to those who love me in return <3