Two and a half years after I started it, I’m finally done editing my book! Truly a joyous day!
I’ve finally gotten it to where I want it and I think it’s the best that I can make it. And (truth be told) I’m a tiny bit sick of working on it. Time to move on to my new project.
My plan for 2015 is to hopefully find an agent who would like to represent me.
It’s somewhat of a mixed genre novel, but I think it primarily is New Adult Fiction. Possibly also Contemporary or Literary Fiction. So if you know anyone looking to represent a new author in one of those categories, please let me know!
I’m looking forward to sharing more of this journey with you and am hopeful that this blog will sort of transform along the way, though I won’t stray too far from my original purpose…sharing good books, book reviews, poems, and writing advice!