Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Bookish People You Want to Meet

As always, TTT is hosted by The Broke and The Bookish. This week’s topic: Top Ten Bookish People You Want to Meet.

1. John Green: Who DOESN’T want to meet John Green?

2. Justin Cronin: I just want to fangirl all over him.

3. Sarah Dessen: I haven’t reviewed any Sarah Dessen books on this blog, but she is one of my all-time fave YA authors.

4. Carlos Ruiz Zafon: The master.

5. Douglas Preston: One half of my favorite authorly duo.

6. Lincoln Child: And the other half!

7. J.K. Rowling: Well, duh.

8. Sara Shepherd: She seems like the nicest person ever! I remember, I messaged her once on Myspace (back in the day) to ask her a question about the PLL series and she totally wrote me back in the same hour!

9. William Shakespeare: For the dead person vote.

10. Luis Alberto Urrea: I think we are kindred souls.

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