Empire’s Song

Stolen from his home among the outer planets, Ben-Hurion serves the Empire as an Auralist. For years, he's longed to break free of the church's control to return to those he loves but hasn't had an opportunity—until now.

Before his successor can be named, an assassination attempt is made on the Empire's most powerful leader. Ben-Hurion is charged with keeping the man alive until the end of the convocation. Do that, and he’ll have enough coin to secure passage for his family off their home planet.

From his newfound position, however, Ben-Hurion will quickly discover that such important tasks are rarely what they seem, and both great danger and great opportunity lurk in every shadowy corner.



“Love the chance to delve into music in space operas! If you like seeing the religious orders and hierarchies of books like Dune and want to tie in some ancient history allusions, check this one out. It’s a fun one-sitting read.”


“Frank Herbert meets Pierce Brown. Amazing prose meets modern dialogue in this gem of a Sci-Fi short by S.L. Fox.”