“Homecoming” in Print, More Writing News, and Other Updates


I’m excited to share that my short fiction story, “Homecoming”, is out in the April issue of The Plaid Horse magazine. I won Honorable Mention in their 2018 Equestrian Voices Creative Writing Contest. So cool to see the story in print! If you get the magazine, make sure to take a look at the story and let me know what you think! You can also check it out in the online issue here.

On other writing news, I’m also finishing up a short story submission for a pirate-themed anthology that’s due later this month. Along with Homecoming, this is one of the first completely new pieces I’ve wrote in a long, long time – I’d almost forgotten how fun it is to be creating! My story is set in the same world as my novel, Shadow of the Magician, and is also a work of historical fiction with supernatural elements. I’m honestly having so much fun coming up with more ideas for this world and I wish I had more time to write.

Speaking of needing more time to write, I am slowly chipping away at my last round of edits for Shadow. I have been working a lot on Minute Marketing the last few months and have not been able to find adequate time or energy to devote to finishing it so we have been crawling along. But we are slowly getting there!

As always, I am again trying to figure out what I’m doing with my blog. I’ll be honest, I haven’t been reading lately. Like at all. I’m in the middle of two books and they’re both just hanging around, waiting patiently for me to pick them up again. I’m still trying to read Kingdom of Ash by Sarah J. Maas and Talk Triggers by Jay Baer. I don’t think it’s the fault of either book, I just haven’t felt like reading lately. Hopefully I’ll get over that soon. My book club just picked Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman for our May read – so I guess have to get started on that too. Have you read it?

Anyway back to the blog – I’m planning to get back to weekly posts. I also created an email list if you’d like to join. I have high hopes of putting together a semi-regular email with maybe the new release books I’m most excited about, some excerpts of whatever I’m writing, and maybe some exclusive writing content. Not positive on what it will be yet, but I’d love to have you as a subscriber! I love my blog and writing and hope to put more time into creating content here again soon! <3 Thank you for being here in my corner of the internet!



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