I Wrote This For You

I Wrote This For You by Pleasefindthis


To the small.

To the star counters.

To the cloud watchers.

To the inspired.

To the birds.

To everyone who’s ever cried.

To everyone who’s ever tried.

To those who pull themselves up off the floor.

To those who can still find love in their hearts, even after everything.

To those who paint the world each day with the colours of their feelings.

To those who hope.

To you.*

*Thank you.

If you’ve hung around my blog long enough, you’ve probably notice that I keep talking about this: the I Wrote This For You project/creator/book/phenomenon. I obtained the book a few weeks ago now, but only now did I finally sit down and read it. I think I was waiting for the perfect moment. Or the un-perfect moment as it turns out. I used to think it was pretty unpleasant to be single during the winter holidays and on Valentines Day, but I have also decided being single in the spring is also kind of a downer. Anyways, after an evening of lamenting, I remembered that this book was sitting in my book pile. I pulled it out before bed, intending to read a few pages. Of course, if I’d thought about it for more than five seconds, I would have realized that what I was really sitting down to do was read the whole thing.

I think the thing people find most striking about the I Wrote This For You project is how universal it is. No matter where you are, you can read a random entry on the blog or a random page in the book and it will speak to you. It’s interesting to consider these universals of the human condition. What is it that the project has tapped into, that so many people find themselves deeply touched by it?

At its core, this is a book about love and loss. Something nearly all of us have experienced. The great love that was there until they walked away. On one level this is a book about getting over or not getting over someone. Because if you really loved them, you’re not going to get over them. There will always be those little things that spark the memories and the feelings, the snapshot of the person you used to love. On another level, this is a book about love in its elemental form. Love between friends, love between parents and children, love between lovers.

For me, many of these passages jumped out at me as I was reading it last night. I’m sure every time I read it, there will be more and new and different passages that catch my attention. In some ways, it’s like holding a book that holds all the advice you need in life, everything you need to hear. Let me share with you one passage that directly relates to how I was feeling when I started reading this:


Oh shut up. Every time it rains, it stops raining. Every time you hurt, you heal. After darkness, there is always light and you get reminded of this every morning but still you choose to believe that the night will last forever. Nothing lasts forever. Not the good or the bad. So might as well smile while you’re here.

Really, I think this book contains the keys to the collective soul. There’s a reason it speaks to us; because it is all of us. I Wrote This For You.

Watch the video.

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