If you’re not connected with me on my personal social media, you missed my big announcement yesterday!!

A few weeks ago, I had my last day as an employee of Coastal Premier Properties. After 5.5 years, I’ve left my role as Head of Marketing to start something I’ve long felt called to do. Though I definitely resisted the call and tried many times to ignore it and move in different directions, it is true that when you are called, there is little to do, but answer. I’m sharing this for anyone who feels called to do something or be somewhere, but has been ignoring that voice whether out of fear, practicality, or something else. Truly amazing things happen when you accept and lean into your fate, your destiny, your life’s work. I’ve seen it firsthand – the things that have happened since I stop resisting are nothing short of extraordinary.

I loved so much of the work I did at Coastal Premier. But what I loved most of all was working with the people, teaching and helping agents achieve success even if that success was something as small as doing their first Instagram story. There’s a magic to working person to person and seeing someone have a breakthrough or a triumph because of something you did or helped them achieve.

Whether your company stays small all its life or you’re merely passing through on your way to greatness, everyone starts from the same place, pulling yourself up by your bootstraps and making things work because there is no one else, but you. I know that struggle well after years of working with people in all stages of business. And what I’ve found is that there are not enough people offering digital marketing services to the little guys and those who are just starting out.

My vision for Minute Marketing is to not only offer paid digital marketing services, but also free resources to small business owners and entrepreneurs. Even if you’re not a business owner or aren’t in a place where you can afford to hire out for short or long-term needs, I hope you’ll visit my site often, read that blog, and subscribe to my channel on Youtube because one of the things that is important to me in creating my company is to give value and provide the resources people need to get their business to the next level. If you’re stuck and you can’t find the answer to something, don’t hesitate to shoot me an email. I want to know what you’re struggling with and if I can answer a question for you, there’s probably at least one other person who has the same challenge.

My site is now live at www.MinMarketing.com. I encourage you to subscribe to my emails not because anyone really needs to join another mailing list, but because I hope to make this the most value email subscription in your inbox. If you’re interested in learning more about my paid services, you can visit the services tab. If you don’t see what you’re looking for and wonder if I offer that service, please email me about what you need.

…Oh, and if you’re wondering if I’m writing a goodbye to this blog right now….NOPE, NOPE, AND MORE NOPE! That’s another thing I’ve discovered about this crazy ride we call life – sometimes you get really, really lucky and get called to walk two paths. My blog is now back in action and I’ll also be sharing more details about my journey as a business owner and a writer here.  I’ve been burning the candle at both ends for awhile now, which is why I haven’t been keeping up with my blog. But I’m excited to start reading again (you guys, I have SOOOO many new books it’s insane) and I am stoked (yes, stoked!!!) to dive back into edits (stoked to do EDITS!) on my Tesla book and get that ready to send out to agents. I missed my blog, I missed reading, and I missed writing. Obviously, it will be a challenge to maintain multiple time-consuming pursuits, but along with my horses and friends and family, that’s what makes life worth living for me. And without all those things, my soul feels incomplete.

So cheers to living a crazy complete life full of passions and chasing dreams and gratitude and synchronicity and making shit happen.  I’m so looking forward to this new adventure and can’t wait to see what the future holds! And if you’ve read this far, I hope you will enjoy turning the page to a new chapter with me.







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