New Story in Slippery Elm – Available Now!

Happy Monday friends! A couple pieces of writing news for me:

-First, I got my copies of the new issue of Slippery Elm which contains my short story, “Cold Bluff.” If you haven’t read my other published work because it sounded too dark or too scary, then this is the one! It’s a lovely little contemporary fiction short about an old man who gets drawn into a mystery when a lone white horse wanders onto his property. You can read “Cold Bluff in Slippery Elm here.

-Second, my new, unpublished novel called “Death Rides in Autumn” won the Southern Pen Bookshop First Novel Award from the Southeastern Writers Association! I’m so excited about receiving this award which was based on the first chapter and a synopsis of my book.

-Third, I also entered my flash fiction piece, “Uncanny” in the Microcosm Awards and it took 3rd place!

-Finally, just another reminder the Halloween sale for Cursed Collectibles is still going on! This anthology contains my story, ‘The Garden Party,” and lots of other stories about haunted antique store finds, collectible items, trinkets, and more. The Kindle edition is available for just $0.99 and the paperback is on sale too! Click here to grab a copy if you haven’t already.

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