By James Galvin

When she sleeps
She must be in Senegal somewhere.
The tide goes out from every shore
In the world,
And in the middle of the sea
A mountain made of water
Holds its breath.

When she sleeps
Everything depends
On all the wheel barrows
Except the red one.
Ordinary women
Bump into walls,
And Shakespeare writes
One more sonnet
None of us will ever read.
When she sleeps
The automobiles of the elderly
Drift to the shoulder
Out of respect.
Ducks tuck heads under wings,
And pelicans can’t make water landings.
They flip like confetti in the wind.
When she sleeps
The moon hums,
Unable to rise or fall.
A green kite with a broken string
Thrashes in bare branches.
I stay awake to make sure she sleeps
(I never trusted that wheel
When she sleeps
I believe
I believe
I believe
I’ll never break these chains.
Don’t wake up, babe.
You’re just too beautiful as is.
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