Reflections on a Year in Business

“Sometimes the only available transportation is a leap of faith.”

A year ago, I was clinging to this quote like a life raft. Trying to believe it was all going to work out, one way or another.

When I wrote this, I was sitting on a bench in Central Park. The night before, I’d worn the fanciest dress I’ve ever owned to a black tie dinner at The Grand Havana room in New York City for a client fundraiser.

A year ago I would never have imagined this would be my life. Never would have imagined the opportunities that were in front of me. The people I’d get to meet and help.

This year passed both fast and slow. Fast in that I can’t believe it’s only been a year since I was staring down the mouth of a major life change. Slow because the sheer amount of things that have been stuffed into the last twelve months makes it feel as if I’ve been running this business for at least a decade.

I haven’t done a good job at keeping up on this blog with updates on how my entrepreneurial journey unfolded. But frankly, most of this last year was just blindingly busy. I’ve worked harder than I ever have in my life – which is saying a lot because I’ve always worked hard.

There have been days full of tremendous doubt, incredibly solitary moments of doing battle with my own anxiety, and long nights of wondering if I’ll look back at these years and think them worth it.

But on the other end, there have been many moments of pure joy, utter excitement, and intense creativity. From publications to a simple, sincere “Thank You,” life is a revelation. I believe it is our duty to squeeze every drop of feeling from the moments around us, for good or for ill.

And I will say when you work this hard, every moment of relaxation is that much sweeter. Even an afternoon shooting the shit with the neighbors with a beer in hand is full of as much unadulterated happiness as laying on the beach in Mexico sipping a fruity drink. I would know, I’ve done both in the last year.

Things are far from perfect at the moment. There is much I’d like to change about my business, but for the moment, even being here is a gift not afforded many. I’ll be 30 in about seven months and while I had hoped for different things at this stage in my life, I believe that everything is unfolding as planned. I still have time and thus far, I have been tremendously and abundantly blessed.

So if you’ve read this far, it’s probably a good time to share what I’ve learned in the last year of business. The things that I didn’t uncover on any book or podcast, the things I had to learn through doing. If you are thinking of starting your own business, I hope you’ll take these truths to heart:

1. You Have to Get Your Mind Right

This is a huge, huge thing. I’ve learned that almost nothing else matters if your mind is not right. If you are not in a good place, your business won’t be in a good place. So it is absolutely crucial that you block, deny, and eviscerate anything that is significantly pulling you down. You have to be selfish about controlling your input and be sure that you are nurturing your mind and your spirit always. However that looks for you, that is what you have to do. Even if no one else understands, you have to be courageous in looking after yourself.

2. Your Network is Your Net Worth

Perhaps I wouldn’t have been so afraid a year ago if I had known this truth. The people around you are your riches in business. Even if they don’t or can’t work with you directly, treat everyone like gold. I’ve gotten referrals from the most unexpected places and people. I’ve had people I haven’t talked to in years re-enter my life or send me business because of a remembered kindness from years ago. When treated right, your network becomes both your army and shield.

3. Love Those Around You

A few weeks ago a thought started kicking around in my head: “You get more grace than you deserve”.

But I don’t think that’s true.  Instead, I’ve decided, you get the grace you deserve. When you love people well, treat them right, and do everything you can for them, when you need grace, love, and kindness in return, they will give it to you in spades. It’s as simple as that. And the ones that won’t…well they’re not your people anyway.

So today, I’m looking forward to another 365 day journey around the sun with my business and I absolutely can’t wait to see where I’ll be sitting a year from now. Thanks for being here with me and supporting this little dream one way or another. It means the world to know you’re out there ❤️

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