I’m over talking about Tolkien at the Dark Globe today. For those of who have been wondering what I’m doing over at the Dark Globe and what that means for isleofbooks, keep reading. For my own blog, I’m not planning to do anything differently. This will still be a blog devoted to rave reviews about books along with author spotlights, series spotlights, literature readings out and about in San Diego, general musings about writing, and the newly hatched poetry features. Some of who click around in the tabs or look at my Goodreads will notice that I read a lot more than I post about. Because I don’t intend this blog to be a place for general book reviews (see the About section), I don’t review a lot of what I read. So that’s what I’m doing at the Dark Globe, talking about the other books that were good/great, but didn’t make me want to buy a hundred copies and leave it on people’s doorsteps.