Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Favorite New-To-Me Authors Read in 2012

As always, Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and The Bookish. This week’s topic is top ten favorite new-to-me authors read in 2012. I didn’t read a ton of new-to-me authors in 2012.

1. John Green

-Yes. So much yes. Thank you for making me read The Fault in Our Stars Andrew!

2. Neil Gaiman

-Who knows why I never read him until now.

3. Ally Condie

-So good.

4. Kent Haruf

Plainsong was amazing. I want to read more. Thanks Tylar, for introducing me!

5. Jeffrey Eugenides

-Been on my list forever, but only finally got around to reading The Marriage Plot, which is probably my top book of 2012.

6. Junot Diaz

-Really want to check out his short story collections now.

7. Steven Gilbert

– Excited to read more from him in the future!

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