Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Favorite Fictional Schools

As always, TTT is hosted by The Broke and The Bookish. This week’s theme was a freebie, so I decided on Top Ten Favorite Fictional Schools (which is an extension of settings. Boarding schools also happen to be one of my favorite settings/topics in books.

1. Hogwarts (Harry Potter series)

2. Easton Academy (Private series)

3. Waverly Prep (It Girl series)

4. Spence Academy (A Great and Terrible Beauty series)

5. Atherton-Pryce Hall (Privilege series)

6. Gallagher Academy (Gallagher Girls series)

7. Wexford (The Name of the Star)

8. Wakefield Hall (Kisses and Lies series)

9. Ault School (Prep)

10. Alabaster Prep (The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks)

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