Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Things on My Bookish Bucket List

As always TTT is hosted by The Broke and The Bookish. This week’s topics: top ten things on my bookish bucket list.

1. Hit 500 blog followers — this will likely happen very soon and when it does…watch for a GIVEAWAY!

2. Meet John Green

3. If I ever publish my book about Tesla, I want the Oatmeal to talk about me…write a comic, mention me to his readers, something… (this might not be bookish, but it kind of fits)

4. Read 100 books in one year…I think this is kind of impossible with a full-time job and you know, activities that aren’t reading

5. Go to a book conference/fair and come home with a suitcase full of free books

6. Finish all the books I own

7. Meet Carlos Ruiz Zafon

8. Meet Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child

9. Get a book I write on a blog book release tour

10. Hit 1,000 blog followers (which I’m sure will also have its own mega giveaway or something

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