Tribe of Mentors: Short Life Advice By the Best in the World By Tim Ferriss

Tim Ferriss, the #1 New York Times best-selling author of The 4-Hour Workweek, shares the ultimate choose-your-own-adventure book—a compilation of tools, tactics, and habits from 130+ of the world’s top performers. From iconic entrepreneurs to elite athletes, from artists to billionaire investors, their short profiles can help you answer life’s most challenging questions, achieve extraordinary results, and transform your life.


Tribe of Mentors was actually my first Tim Ferriss book. It was a Christmas gift and I have been reading it off and on since the beginning of the year. I finally finished it this month as I knocked out the last 200 pages or so during my Miracle Morning reading time.

This was a good book, but it is dense. You don’t need to read it in order or read every page or even read it in a short span of time. Each interview is between 1-10 pages. There’s a forward by Tim where he discusses the methodology and how he chose the questions he asked. But he asked the same questions of everyone, though not all answers were included for each person. So really can just start anywhere in the book.

I read this book cover to cover as I read most things (unless I peeking ahead). But you could just open this book to random sections or just skim through to read the interviews with the people you know and like. I enjoyed the experience of reading cover to cover because I read interviews from a lot of people I had never heard of, but who had great advice to give.

This book is one I would recommend buying since you’ll likely want to underline or otherwise mark up passages. This book was so beautifully bound and pristine I was hesitant to start marking it up myself, but halfway through I decided I was leaving some of the experience on the table by not interacting with the text. At some point, I’ll have to reread the beginning so I can mark that up, too. This is a book I plan to hold onto as I’m sure I’ll revisit it often and get something new out of it each time I read it.

I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys reading what successful people have to say and also to anyone who engages in personal development work – this book is a great choice for Miracle Morning reading!

I’ll leave you with the passage that resonated with me the most:

“The entire universe is not just outside, but also within us. We have unlimited power – the power to solve any problems facing us or facing others. We get to create our realities. It’s a simple and small belief, but it can change the course of humanity. Being mini gods mean we never lack. We know we already have everything. We don’t need a million dollars. We don’t need a trillion followers. We are complete. We are full. So full that we can give without counting. The day we will all start acting like mini gods is the day there will be peace in the world.”

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