Versatile Blogger Award!

It’s been a little quiet here since I’ve been at a horse show, but I was quite pleased to come home and find that I’d been nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award!

Wow. I haven’t even been blogging that long. I feel very honored. Thanks to Andrew at for the nomination!

Thanks to all of you who have chosen to follow me and read what I have to say about literature!

Here are the rules to the awards: Thank the person who nominated you and link back to them when you create a post on the award. Share 7 things about yourself. Pass the award on to 15 people you know who have blogs that you follow and enjoy. Contact those people that you have nominated.

More on the Versatile Blog Award

Seven things about me: (Shannon)

1. My ultimate goal is to become a novelist of Young Adult Lit.

2. After I graduate in a few months, I’m planning to take some time to contemplate my path to further education.

3. Blueberry pancakes are my favorite.

4. I can’t swim very well.

5. I was born and raised in Colorado. Moved to San Diego at 18.

6. I used to drive a light green VW Bug. Now I have an infinitely more practical silver Chevy Equinox.

7. I’ve owned my horse for nine years and he’s my rock.

15 Blogs Nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award

I read so many good and fun blogs. It was hard to narrow it down to fifteen!

1. – Lovely and insightful film reviews. He’s also an all-around nice guy!

2. – Funny blog about the trials and tribulations of riding public transit around San Diego. Written by one of my dear friends 🙂

3. – Great blog about so many different things, but I primarily love reading it for the posts about Colorado that I love so much and the beautiful photos!

4. – Such a funny blog. Every time I read Daniel’s posts, I end up laughing like a crazy person.

5. – Another great book review blog.

6. – Great photo blog!

7. – Beautiful photos from around the world.

8. – I love her book reviews because she shares so many of the same opinions as me haha.

9. – Thoughts on writing and the creative process

10. – I don’t know much about this blog because I can’t read Arabic, but the photos do all the talking. Stunning images.

11. – A great blog from a liberal viewpoint on issues in American, particularly women’s issues.

12. – A family with a mission to foster and change the stigma of pit bulls, one blog post at a time. And you gotta love Chix-a-Lot Friday!

13. – More great musings on writing, plus writing prompts!

14. -I love Olivia’s Opinions of literature!

15. – The mastermind behind the Dark Globe, this is Jade’s personal blog (or one of them haha)

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