For years, I thought I was a solid introvert. I like reading, writing, and other solitary pursuits. As an only child, I was good at spending time alone and entertaining myself. And I actually liked it, too.
It was years before I realized what I actually was: an extroverted introvert. And while that tag of extroversion may on the surface seem like it makes things easier, I can assure you it doesn’t. Because what it really does is convince people you’re a full-blooded extrovert. And they miss seeing the introvert lurking underneath. So when you have an introverted day, people don’t understand because it seems like you’ve suddenly become withdrawn for no reason. When really, those tendencies were there all along. You’ve just been an introvert hiding in plain sight.
Being an extroverted introvert has been its own challenge on this journey of entrepreneurship. On the one hand, it allows me to put myself out there with little anxiety. Writing blogs like this, shooting videos, and meeting strangers are all in a day’s work. The extroverted side of myself can be depended upon to rise to challenges and meet them where they lie. But it’s the introverted side of myself that is a loose cannon. It always comes as a surprise when I wake up and suddenly my mind has declared that we are too over stimulated, we have been way too social lately, we need to pull back NOW and circle the wagons.
Working a normal job, you get a certain allowance for bad days I think. For days when you’re not “yourself”. Or not the self that other people see most often. But working for yourself is a new kind of challenge. There is an expectation that you are always “on”, always friendly, eager, and enthusiastic. Even on the days when you wish you could disappear to a cabin in the woods and chuck your phone into a lake.
I’m much too new at this to offer much helpful advice on being an extroverted introvert entrepreneur. But I am interested to know how you label yourself and what challenges and advantages you find this give you in your work, self-employed or not!
July 9th – 15th Week in Review:
I didn’t go ride on Monday the 9th because I had to go to a meeting in the morning in North Park. I like going to North Park so much better during the week. You get to enjoy all the same stuff, but it’s so much quieter and easier to park. 10/10 would recommend. If you work an abnormal schedule, I would definitely advise you to take advantage of most people being in the office and visit those areas like North Park, Hillcrest, and Normal Heights where parking is pretty impacted most of the time.

After my meeting I came home and did some work before I went to Del Mar in the afternoon to meet my new client. I’m very excited about this new project and looking forward to what we’re going to accomplish together.
Monday night, I had writer’s group again with more chapters of Shadow of the Magician up for review. There are two particularly thorny spots I had trouble writing in the book and tonight we discussed the first of them which, surprisingly to me, read much better than I had expected. I had expected comments like, “This is terrible. Just scrap this and start over.” So it was a relief that I did not get that. Still needs work, but it’s not beyond saving.
I switched my Monday riding day for Tuesday so Tuesday morning I went down and rode Pia first thing. After I was done at the barn, I had a little bit of time before I had to be at the dentist so I went to Mary’s Tack and Feed. If you’re a horse person, let me just explain that Mary’s is like Target. It’s utterly impossible to leave without spending at least $100 and buying at least one thing you don’t truly need. As such, I try to only go to Mary’s when I know I absolutely do need to get something. Those of you that saw my Instagram stories, thanks for playing along and indulging me! I had to go to Mary’s to pick up the metal nameplate I ordered for Pia’s new halter, buy a new pair of bell boots for Pia, and I needed to grab some more saddle pads because little girl is sweating through her pads on the regular. If you voted in my polls, I ended up getting the green AND the purple saddle pads. I tricked you. Bet you thought I was buying just one!
If you’re wondering why Escobar didn’t get any new gear it’s because they share a lot of things and in the case of something that they both need that needs replacing, Escobar gets to use it and I get a new one for Pia. Escobar is my delicate flower and I like to make sure he’s not going without. For example, I had two pairs of bell boots, but can only find one after the last show. So Escobar got to wear the remaining pair of bell boots because I am determined to prevent him from tearing his shoes off and hurting his feet. For you non-horse people, horses can accidentally step on the edge of their metal horseshoes and rip them off, which sometimes damages the hoof underneath and definitely leaves them vulnerable to other injuries. It’s like walking barefoot on rocks. Horses obviously can go barefoot and many do, but if they’re not used to it, it can be trouble.
Also for whatever reason, my old saddle pads don’t fit Pia. Same saddle, same pads, new horse, pads don’t fit. I dunno. And they didn’t shrink in the wash because this combination still fits Escobar (I checked). She’s narrower than Escobar so it really makes no sense to me. Anyway, despite me being a saddle pad hoarder, Pia has her own special pads.
After Mary’s I went to the dentist (good times). Took forever, but I got my filling and started the process to get a new mouthguard made.
By the time I was done at the dentist, it was already time for lunch. I went to Wich Which and then to the library because I needed to stay around UTC. Later that evening I went to Polite Provisions with my friend L. We got food at Soda & Swine and I met her new man so that was fun.

Wednesday morning I went out to the barn again and then home to work. At the beginning of the week I had decided this was going to be a major work day so I worked hard to make a dent in my to-do list. I was tired by day’s end, but I had made good progress in turning the tide.
Thursday was another big work day and I worked pretty much from the time I got up until late afternoon when I had to go meet a client in Carmel Valley. It was an evening appointment so I didn’t actually get home for dinner until pretty late.
Friday morning I went to the barn and then hurried to shower so I could go to Peet’s Coffee with my neighbor. Friday was kind of a scramble as I woke up and realized I instantly had issues with Instagram and it affected all of my clients. I skipped doing the Miracle Morning when I got up and instead did it when we got to Peet’s. 10/10 would recommend. I immediately felt more settled after taking time to do the ritual. So if you do the Miracle Morning, don’t skip it if you can’t do it when you wake up. Just do it later.
We got lunch at Chipotle on the way back from Peet’s and I did some work at home before I went to meet with a prospective client in Del Mar. Then back home to keep working.
Saturday morning I had planned to do some work on Shadow of the Magician. I did do that, but it was slow going. My brain felt kind of foggy. And when I switched over to client work, the feeling persisted. I was honestly so disappointed in how unproductive the day was. I was grateful when the boyfriend called me around 4:30 pm and asked me to meet him and some friends at Intergalactic. I was ready to be done with my crap work day.

We then went to dinner at Ruth’s Chris. Now I know what you’re thinking, but the boyfriend and I have collected lots of restaurant gift cards over the years. Lots of gift cards. Case in point: we had $75 to Ruth’s Chris that we finally decided to cash in. I felt bad for the girl who waited on us though even though I felt some silent judging on her end. When we only ordered entrees, I’m sure her thoughts went something like, Man I am not getting a nice tip off this table. I couldn’t even interest them in a drink. LOL. We did tip though, even though she barely paid attention to us. And it was fun to go somewhere fancy that we ordinarily couldn’t afford!
Sunday I woke up, hoping it would be a better, more productive day than Saturday. But it wasn’t and my introverted feelings deepened. Nevertheless, I did go to work. Worked on Shadow of the Magician again in the morning and again had a difficult writing session. But I realized that, chapter-wise, I’m officially halfway through the revision. Wordcount-wise, I’m more than halfway. So yay for that!
Elliot got groomed Sunday morning too and then after lunch I went to Panera, hoping that the air conditioning would help me focus. It helped a little and I got some things done, though again, it was kind of a dismal work day. When the boyfriend got home from work, I got him to watch an episode of Black Mirror with me. Of course, I chose a scary one. Of course.
What I’m Reading:
DotCom Secrets by Russell Brunson (Finished!)
One Horn to Rule Them All: A Purple Unicorn Anthology edited by Lisa Mangum
Warstorm by Victoria Aveyard
Deep Work by Cal Newport
S.H.E. by Shannon Hogan Cohen
What I’m Listening To:
It felt like I listened to a little bit of everything this week.
What I’m Watching:
Black Mirror
What I’m Loving:
Instagram Polls